

Mediate BC benefits from the knowledge, experience and commitment of volunteers serving on Standing Committees and Working Groups. These bodies broaden input to our program planning and ensure that our services meet the needs of a wide range of individuals, community groups, businesses, public and private organizations, Indigenous Nations, and others seeking support in resolving conflict.

Our Standing Committees include Calls to Action, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and Practice.

Calls to Action

The Calls to Action (CtA) Committee provides guidance and advice to Mediate BC on issues affecting Indigenous people in British Columbia.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

The Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee advises on the organization’s commitment to expanding equity, diversity, and inclusion principles within all its work. The Committee supports initiatives aimed at identifying and addressing barriers to roster inclusion, professional development for roster mediators, and ensuring accessibility of conflict resolution services to all populations. As well, the EDI Committee guides the organization on its internal commitments to support staff and Board learning.


The Practice Committee oversee admission to and continued registration on Mediate BC’s professional rosters. In order to carry out this work, the Committee is comprised of practitioners (from diverse practices and geographic areas representing a range of backgrounds, experience, and knowledge), conflict resolution trainers and training institutions, representatives of client groups, and members of the public with an interest in conflict resolution.

Contact Us

Our team is happy to assist you.