
Mentorship Program

Mediate BC Associates can register for mentored co-mediation opportunities with our panel of highly qualified Mentors. These co-mediations will follow a structured experiential learning model and mediations conducted through the Program can count towards the Experience criteria for RRM admissions.

The Mentorship Program is an opportunity for Associate Mediators to gain co-mediation experience within a structured mentorship model. Associates register and pay for a single co-mediation and are assigned to a Mentor who will meet with the Associate to discuss learning objectives and styles. The Mentor will work with the Associate to prepare for and co-mediate a full mediation and will provide constructive feedback following the mediation.

Most mediations will include at least two pre-mediation sessions with the parties and one or two joint sessions. Typically, matters are time-limited to between 2 and 5 hours of mediation time.

Associates will participate in all aspects of the matter, including scheduling, pre-mediation and discussions regarding best process in the specific circumstances of the file.

Most mentored co-mediations will be part of Mediate BC’s appointment process and public referrals. Mediate BC is frequently contacted by members of the public with a variety of matters including – disputes between tenants, staff conflict, or even family conflict.

Associates who are able to pay the mentorship fee and in good standing on Mediate BC’s roster are eligible to participate.

As the Program depends on public referrals, it can be difficult to estimate the time it takes to receive a file. When a file is availble the Roster Manager with notify you. Files are assigned on a first come first serve basis and so Associates are encouraged to sign up and get on the list if they are interested.

Mediate BC takes a small portion of the Program fee to help cover administrative costs, the rest of the funds go directly to your Mentor.

Yes! If Associates have a file they are working on and would like mentorship assistance, we are able to match you with a Mentor in the Program. The fee will still apply to cover the Mentor’s time. The Associate and the Mentor will then agree on how they would like to split the client payment.

Associates can decide whether a file is a right fit before accepting. The Roster Manager will send a brief overview of the file, and Associates are welcome to skip the file if the timing or subject matter isn’t a fit.

In order to ensure that all Associates have an opportunity to participate in this Program, you can only apply for one co-mediation at a time. Once you have completed a co-mediation, you can re-apply and will be waitlisted for the next available Mentor.


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