
Custom Training

Mediate BC designs and delivers custom training in all areas of conflict resolution. Courses may be in-person, online or hybrid depending on organizational needs. Similarly, we draw on a pool of course designers, instructors and coaches to provide the best learning experience for your group.

Mediate BC works with a wide range of organizations to support their training needs including First Nations, government agencies, not-for-profit societies, law firms, schools, sports organizations, businesses, and more.

Contact Sharon Sutherland to discuss your organization’s needs.

Sample Workshops

Custom mediation training programs introduce mediation skills and practice for your specific needs. These workshops range from 7-40 hours depending on organizational goals.

Conflict resolution training includes short presentations and workshops focusing on individual skills, and longer, experiential training for teams. Share your learning objectives and we will work with you to develop training that fits your needs, timing, and goals.

In 2024, Mediate BC partnered with Carrier Sekani Family Services to develop a four-day community-based workshop on facilitation of collaborative decision-making processes in child welfare. We welcome the opportunity to work with other communities to build understanding of the processes available.

Sample Presentations

We offer workshops on conflict prevention, management, and resolution within workplaces of all sizes. This can include skills training for staff, volunteers, Board members, and more.

Our Navigator team offers two-hour workshops on collaborative decision-making options for professionals supporting clients in child welfare. These workshops focus on identifying options available to clients, working with facilitators to ensure the processes meet client needs, and supporting clients in participating.

More info and workshop schedule.

Tailored training sessions for non-profits (staff, Boards, volunteers) and community groups may focus on narrow objectives like managing disagreement, difficult conversations, giving and receiving feedback. Longer workshops may focus on a range of conflict resolution skills or may focus on mediation and facilitation skills

Contact Us

Our team is happy to assist you.