
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

EDI is an expansive umbrella that includes many intersecting and overlapping aspects of identity and lived and/or living experiences. Here are some topics that fall under the EDI umbrella. This list is not exhaustive — but it is long! Learning to use an EDI lens is a lifelong process, and we encourage you to start with any one of these topics.

  • Unconscious Bias
  • Undoing Racism
  • Anti-Black racism
  • Settler Colonialism
  • Anti-Indigenous racism
  • Intersectionality
  • White dominant culture characteristics
  • Gender diversity
  • Disability Justice
  • Income Inequality

EDI Options

The following organizations and experts offer an array of EDI training.

Equity-informed mediation specialists. Workshops for designed and facilitated by and for racialized folks as well as courses explore white supremacy culture characteristics.  Live (online) classes are available as well as self-guided learning modules.


3-day comprehensive live (online) fundamentals of structural racism in North America.


A self-guided online learning program that explores the intersections of racism, sexism, white supremacy and capitalism as they impact BIPOC in white-dominated workplaces. 8 to 10 hours commitment.



2-hours. Designed for white women exploring the intersection of gender and race.


Multiple offerings around race, racism, racial justice, anti-Black racism.


Free 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada


This course explores the meaning of intersectionality, and solutions for respectfully engaging with all members of our communities.


Free workshops on Racial Justice, somatic health, and equity.


Workshops from a human rights lawyer on workplace harassment and bullying with EDI lens, as well as identity issues including transgender rights and dismantling white supremacy.


Workshops and series exploring the complexities of gender, sexuality, intersectionality, implicit bias, and conflict resolution.


Webinars on a variety of topics relevant to working with those who experience marginalization. Ie., Harm Reduction, Cultural Safety, Trauma-Informed Work, Gender Inclusion, etc.


Free: Participants are able to get a certificate at the end and the course is continually updated. Content is relevant to the Canadian demographic and contains the idea of intersectionality.


Somatic Abolitionism and the healing of historical and racialized trauma carried in the body and the soul. Multiple modules.


Online 60 minutes modules on Unconscious Bias, Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Training, Systemic and Societal Racism.


Contact Us

Our team is happy to assist you.