
Continuing Professional Development

Roster CPD Requirements

To maintain good standing on the Roster, RRMs and Associates are required to complete 14 total hours of mediation specific training or education each year. The reporting period is from Sept 1st 2024 to Sept 1st 2025. The composition of these hours must also meet the following criteria. 

  • At least 2 hours of the 14 hours must focus on topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • A minimum of 10 hours (including those focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion) must take place in a structured learning environment.
  • Up to 4 hours of continuing professional development may be made up of self-directed learning, including reading conflict resolution literature, listening to podcasts or webinars on mediation, and published writing (including blogs, newsletters, and reviews of dispute resolution literature).
  • Mediators with Child Protection designations must also ensure that 4 hours of their CPD is related to the area of Child Protection


Structured learning could include course work, live webinars, conferences, and teaching would be categorized as structured learning. Structured learning is usually taking place within a training institutions, organization or professional agency. 

Self-directed learning could include reading conflict resolution literature, listening to podcasts or webinars on mediation, and published writing (including blogs, newsletters, and reviews of dispute resolution literature). Self-directed learning is done at your own pace, on your own time. 

Mediation specific training includes a wide range of topics that relate directly to the practice of mediation and that enhance a mediator’s knowledge, skills, and ethical understanding in conducting a mediation. Topics may include:

  • Mediation skills and practice
  • Pre-mediation practice
  • Understanding trauma and trauma-informed mediation practice
  • Drafting agreements and memoranda of understanding
  • Child interviewing skills
  • Models of mediation (e.g. transformative, evaluative, narrative)
  • Knowledge for mediating in specific contexts (e.g. workplace, human rights, child protection, estates, commercial)


Mediation specific training may include role play practice when coached by a qualified mediator such as a RRM.

If you are not sure that a course you are considering is “mediation specific”, please contact our Roster Manager. They will ask for course details, so please be prepared to send any relevant links and background information when you contact them.

Head here to view mediation specific CPD opportunities.

Head here to view EDI training opportunities

Mediators will need to login into their profiles to track their CPD. This can be done throughout the year and submitted once the hours have been obtained. 

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